Friday, April 11, 2014

"Old Europe"

It appears that God is not quite entirely done with "Old" Europe.  Prime Minister David Cameron doesn't seem to think so as his stirring Easter message indicates. He mentions a recent trip to the Holy Land, the relief efforts during the floods organized by churches, the Alpha course, and emphasizing the love of neighbor as a defining trait of the Christian faith.  (Full disclosure: As a PM he also extends his warm greetings to members of the Sikh religion who celebrate Vaisakhi)

In my own work on early Israelite identities (time of the Judges), often time, identities are sharpened when they are defined against others.  In the climate of post-Christian Europe (and other places), this climate becomes a wonderful opportunity to define what Christianity is all about (over against other religions).  We should be thankful for Prime Minister Cameron to take the opportunity to speak to this on the occasion of what remains a major Bank holiday in Britain (and in the rest of Europe) next week. 

So, no, I don't believe God is done with Europe, at all.  He might just be getting started!

Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed!

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